IAP Neonatology Fellowship exam
February 2013 (uv)
Paper I Marks 100
Note : Answer 5 of the 7 questions
Each question carries 20 marks
1, Discuss the logistics, benefits and significance of Neonatal Networking and Database management.
2, How will you manage a 2 week old baby who was born at 32 weeks who has now developed recurrent apnoea ?
3. Short notes on : ( 5 marks each)
a) Use of G CSF for neonatal sepsis
b) Uro-prophylaxis for obstructive uropathy in neonate
c) PIE
d) Oto- acoustic emission test
4. Short notes on : ( 5 marks each)
a) Limitations of Systematic reviews
b) Techniques of Therapeutic Hypothermia
c) Prevention of Infant abduction
d) Cord care
5. Discuss the various strategies to prevent post-natal malnutrition in preterm infants .
6. Short notes on :
a) Vitamin D supplementation in newborn period (8 marks)
b) Early Targeted treatment of PDA (6 marks)
c) Partial Exchange Transfusion (6 marks)
7, Describe the optimal protocol for the follow up of High risk infants
IAP Neonatology Fellowship exam
February 2013(uv)
Paper II Marks 100
Note : Answer 5 of the 6 questions
Each question carries 20 marks
1, A primi para with eclampsia has delivered a term baby through meconium stained liquor. Baby is cyanosed, limp and has a weak cry. HR is above 100 per min. How will you resuscitate this baby ? Comment briefly on use of room air for resuscitation.
2, A term female baby 3.5 kg is born with good cry and normal tone. Baby has moderate respiratory distress at birth. Mother has a history of polyhydramnios. Baby is noted to have a scaphoid abdomen with decreased air entry on left side. What is the likely diagnosis. How will you proceed with the management ?
3. A full term IUGR male baby with birthweight 2 kg is admitted with BGL 22 mg %. Baby is asymptomatic but noted to have a stretched penile length of 1.2 cm. How will you evaluate and manage this baby ?
4. A male baby is born to a HIV positive mother at 32 weeks by spontaneous vaginal delivery. Baby is 1.3 kg and asymptomatic. How will you manage his baby with respect to prevention of mother to child transmission. How will you plan the subsequent immunisation ?
5. A 26 weeks 740 g baby is born through spontaneous labour, baby has mild respiratory distress at birth, Discuss the early neonatal management to optimise survival and long term outcome of this baby.
6. A male baby born of Grade III consanguinous marriage was admitted on Day 3 with lethargy, refusal to feed. There is a history of previous 2 neonatal deaths. Perinatal history was uneventful. Baby had seizures which were difficult to treat with standard management. How will you evaluate and manage this baby ?